Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm Back

So, just after I started this blog, I decided to give up all social media stuff for Lent. (I did pretty good, though I have to confess I checked in on TriDadofFive a couple of times...he had some really cool giveaways going.
Well, Easter came, my Lenten fast was over, but I just couldn't get back into the blogging thing.
Training was (is) going pretty well, especially in the pool where I feel like I'm starting to get back into shape and I'm starting to swim respectably. For instance, in both races I've entered so far this season--the Downtown Columbia Sprint and the Langley Pond International (my first International distance race ever)--I finished near the top. The DCS was a 500 meter pool swim and the LPI was a 1500 meter open water swim. I need more open water experience.
Today's pool workout main set was 15x100 on 1:45, descending 1-5. Each fast one was right at 1:15. That isn't great, but a month ago I couldn't break 1:20.
But I needed something exciting to get my blogging going again...and I got it today! The great guys at XTERRA wetsuits (http://www.xterrawetsuits.com/) are sending me a wetsuit! They are sending me the entry level Volt sleeveless. I am so pumped. I can't wait to get it and tell you all about it.
If you haven't already done so, check their web site out, and their facebook page. Great stuff.
Anyway, now that I'm blogging again...
As I mentioned already, I finshed my first ever International distance race: the Langley Pond International (they have a Sprint race, too) in Aiken, SC (actually, Burnettown, but really).
The swim was tough. I like to start on the side, keep away from the fray, and get out into the front of the pack. But the starter kept calling us over to the middle, so a huge group started all on top of each other. You know the drill: arms and legs flailing, bumping, kicking...I got kicked in the eye and am sporting a little bit of a black eye now.
That sorted out fairly quickly, but what was worse was the conditions. Temperature was great, water was fine, but it was overcast. Everything was gray. I couldn't sight the bouys to save my life. I naturally swim pretty straight, but you have to have something to swim toward. I got off track, could never get a good sighting, so I settled in behind some guys, relaxed a little, and followed them through the course. My son got me coming out of the water at 24:14. Not great for 1500 meters, but not too bad.
The bike is an interesting course. Twice around a 12 mile loop, where 2 out of the first 3 miles are all uphill. But then you get some really fast downhill on the backside coming home. On the second loop, rain started coming down, so I was a bit more cautious. But I improved my average mph over last year (when I just did the Sprint) by over 2 mph. Faster, for longer. I was pleased.
When I came into transition, my towel was covering my running shoes, so they were dry. My socks were soaked, so I pulled them off and ran my first 10k sockless. Wet. Over some dirt and gravel portions. A tough combination. My feet are pretty beat up.
I tried the old run/walk thing cause I've been reading about it. It worked! For 5 miles I was right at 8:40 pace. For me, that's fantastic! Unfortunately, the race was 6.2 miles long.
One thing I learned was that nutrition becomes a factor in an International race, and I didn't handle that well at all.
Just after mile 5, I started cramping. Ugh!
My goal was to finish in less than 3 hours: :30 for the swim, 1:30 for the bike, 1:00 for the run. I finished in 2:45. :25 swim, 1:16 bike, and 56:30 run, with longer transitions than I'd like. I'll blame the weather.
Anyway, great first outing. I was nervous about the distance, so I know I left a little on the course, especially the bike.
Keep training.